Chautaal 12 beats Make The Most beautiful layakari

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Chautaal 12 Beats Layakari

Understanding Layakari

Layakari means beat-making in Indian music and rhythm. In layakari, artists divide the simple beat of a taal by varying the pace and frequency of rhythmic phrases. The four basic forms of layakari, Ekgun, Dugun, Tigun, and Chaugun all introduce a different pace and emotions in the music.

Types of Layakari

  • Ekgun layakari: Playing one bol per beat is called ekgun.
  • Dugun layakari: Playing two bols per beat is called dugun.
  • Tigun layakari: Playing three bols per beat is called tigun.
  • Chaugun layakari: Playing four bols per beat is called chaugun.


  • The structure of Chautaal is as follows:
Clap/Tali4(On 1st,5th,9th,11stbeat)
SamOn 1st beat
Wave/Khali2 (On 3rd,7thbeat)


  • Example of Chautaal layakari
Chautaal Ekgun Layakari
Chautaal Dugun Layakari
Chautaal Tigun Layakari
Chautaal Chaugun Layakari


Chautaal with 12 beats is enhanced by layakari, adding depth and enabling performers to connect closely with audiences.

Example Notation (Bhatkhande system) :

  • 'Sam' is marked by an (x).
  • 'Wave' is marked by a (0).
  • 'Clap' is represented by the corresponding number (e.g., 1, 2, 3).
  • 'Pause' is represented by (S).
  • 'Divisions' are shown by a vertical bar (|).

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